In the beginning of November, the European Parliament will welcome representatives of the Bulgarian communities that live abroad. The host of the grand scale conference is the MEP Emil Stoyanov. The conference ‘Policies for the Bulgarians living abroad’ is organized jointly with the vice-president of Republic of Bulgaria Margarita Popova and it is part of establishing a long-term strategy for Bulgarians abroad. Our compatriots, that live and work abroad, represent around 15% of all Bulgarians, where the largest communities are situated in the US, Spain, Ukraine, Moldova and Germany. Bulgarians abroad usually are well educated and enjoy a successful career in the countries they live in.
‘For the first time such a conference is taking place in the European Parliament and I am very pleased, that we can figuratively speaking show the long and successful road, that took Bulgaria from the socialist camp to the European union in the last twenty years’ – said Emil Stoyanov, Member of the European Parliament.